Iain Collins
1 min readFeb 11, 2020


Thanks Ernesto Freyre! This is a great writeup.

Do you, or anyone reading this, have any tips on how to handle pointing DNS at Google Cloud Function as a deployment step — i.e. to negate the Fastly/external CDN step?

In particular for dynamic environments (e.g. on Pull Request, which I’ve done with Next.js on AWS Lambda, using GitHub Actions) or to spin up prototypes on subdomains.

I’m familiar doing this using Serverless Framework to deploy to an AWS Lambda (thanks to a Serverless Framework plugin than handles CloudFront and DNS configuration) but have not deployed a Next.js app to a Google Cloud Function yet.

I assume it’s possible to use Google Cloud CDN do the same thing and figure I can RTFM but would appreciate tips from people who have done this in practice, and who may have examples.



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